Baby Wall
For more information about effective ways to support Garnet Health Medical Center, please contact the Garnet Health Foundation office at 845-333-2333 or
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‘Footprints Into The Future’ Baby Wall
The Rowley Family Birthing Center provides a unique way to have a lasting celebration on the birth of babies. Located in a high visibility area just off the main lobby in the Rowley Center, the wall is located within the Mother Baby area, where parents and families enter and exit the unit to visit new moms and infants staying in the well-baby intensive care unit or the neonatal care unit. The wall includes tiles with positive and inspiration quotes about the importance of children in our lives by Henry David Thoreau, Paul Coehlo and Dr. Seuss.
The Footprints Into The Future wall provides blue and pink tiles to be installed on the wall with the name of the infant and their date of birth. Multiple purchases are welcomed.
How to Purchase Your Tile
To order a tile, you may choose online donation using the form below – or please download and fill out this donation form and mail to:
Garnet Health Foundation
707 East Main Street
Middletown, NY 10940
Gifts are tax deductible according to law.
Thank you for your consideration and donation to Garnet Health Medical Center!

Rowley Family Birthing Center
Rowley Family Birthing Center is where moms deliver in a nurturing, safe and comfortable environment while having the privacy they need during this special time.
Learn more