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Make a Donation to the 21st Century Club in Honor of your Caregiver

21st Century Club donations, regardless of size, have a direct impact in the health of our community. If you would like to make a Memorial Gift in remembrance of a loved one, please indicate in the Tribute Gift section below.

Thank you for your consideration and donation to Garnet Health Medical Center!

Make a Donation to the 21st Century Club Here

Donations to Garnet Health Foundation are tax-deductible and will be used solely for the benefit of Garnet Health Medical Center.

All annual donors who make a gift of $100.00 or greater become a "21st Century Member" within the year that they give the donation.

Exclusive nationwide benefits include:

  • Access to more than 700,000 merchants nationwide for 10-50% savings on dining, health, arts & entertainment, golf, shopping and more
  • 16,000+ activities nationwide including Disney Resorts, SeaWorld, Universal Resorts and Broadway
  • 500,000+ hotels and car rentals for 10-50% savings worldwide
  • Hundreds of grocery coupons

Exclusive local benefits include:

  • 2-for-1 entrees at local restaurants
  • Exclusive discounts for local spa and wellness services
  • Discounted entry at nearby arts and attractions

To discover all the local and nationwide benefits of Garnet’s 21st Century Club, visit us online at www.membercard.com/garnethealth

Discover Benefits

With your help, gifts to the 21st Century Club have funded several equipment needs, programs needs and hospital-wide initiatives over the years.

  • Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit Gait-Bearing system
  • New Patient Telemetry Beds
  • Pediatric ED Vein Finder
  • Breast Biopsy System and Localization
  • Respiratory Therapy Simulator
  • Aromatherapy and Reiki
  • Virtual Reality Headsets
  • Survivor guides for cancer patients
  • Diabetes Education program
  • Several National Conferences for staff to attend, including Magnet Conference, Empathy Conference
  • Art Cart
  • Oncology Blanket Warmer
  • Several Medical Education Research projects, including cardiac, surgical, neurofeedback, and Alzheimer research
  • NICHE activity cart
  • Pastoral care supplies
  • LGBTQ community awareness
  • Nitrous Oxide system (laughing gas) for Children’s ED
  • Bereavement cart supplies for ICU families