Hepatobiliary Scan
Biliary, Biliary w/CCK, Bile leak, and FNH SPECT/CT
Hepatobiliary imaging is a diagnostic imaging study used to evaluate hepatocellular function and the biliary system by tracing the production and flow of bile from the liver, through duct systems, into the gallbladder and finally into the small intestine. During the exam the patient will be administered a radioisotope by way of IV injection.
A second injection, through the previously place IV, of CCK may be administered depending on the reason for the exam. CCK is a hormone of the gastrointestinal system responsible for stimulating the gallbladder. This exam can take anywhere from 1-4 hours. Patients must not have anything to eat or drink for 4 hours and no opiate medication for 6 hours prior to the exam.
Gastric Emptying Scan
Gastric emptying imaging studies the comprehensive digestive process of the stomach. It tests the rate at which the stomach digests foods. During the exam the patient will be given eggs, made with a radiotracer, and toast to eat. Pictures of the stomach will then be taken at certain time points.
This exam can take up to 4 hours, but the patient is not bound to the department this whole time. Patients must not have anything to eat or drink for 4 hours and no opiate medication for 6 hours prior to the exam.
Bone Scan
Three-Phase, Whole Body, Limited, and SPECT/CT
Nuclear medicine bone imaging is a diagnostic study used to evaluate the distribution of active bone formation in the body (osteoblastic activity). The patient will be administered a radioisotope by way of IV injection. The isotope accumulates proportional to osteoblastic activity; the more osteoblastic activity, the more radioisotope uptake seen on the images. Depending on the reason of exam some patients may get injected while pictures are being taken while others may not.
The radioisotope will need approximately 2.5 hrs to circulate and absorb in the body. Patients will be able to leave and come back during that time. Imaging will take approximately 20-45 mins depending on the reason for the exam. There is no prep for this exam.
Renal Scan
Captopril, Lasix, and Flow & Function
Renal, or kidney, imaging allows for the evaluation of renal perfusion, renal clearance, renal parenchymal transit time, and collecting system patency. This scan provides qualitative and quantitative analysis of a patient’s relative renal function. Patients will be administered a radioisotope by way of IV injection while underneath the camera. Images will then be taken for approximately 1 hour.
We ask that patients come well hydrated for all renal scans. Depending on your Doctor’s order, more instructions may be necessary which will be provided when scheduling.
Parathyroid Scan
SPECT/CT and Pre-Operative
Parathyroid imaging is utilized to detect and locate hyper-functioning parathyroid glands or adenomas which can be a cause of hyperparathyroidism. Primary hyperparathyroidism is characterized by increased synthesis and release of parathyroid hormone, which produces an elevated serum calcium level. To locate these potential adenomas the patient will be administered a radioisotope by way of IV injection. Following the injection, initial pictures will be acquired for about 30 minutes.
The patient will have approximately 3 hours to wait until additional delayed images are taken. During this time the patient is free to leave the department/hospital and will be given a time to return. Delayed images take about 30 minutes as well. There is no prep necessary for this exam.
Thyroid Uptake Scan
Thyroid uptake and scan imaging allows for the measurement of thyroid gland function as reflected by radiotracer accumulation in the gland. This exam is a two day procedure. On day one the patient is given a pill of the radioisotope to swallow. Day two the patient comes back for imaging. The patient will be instructed to be off any thyroid medication and cannot have CT contrast for 6 weeks prior to the exam. Further instruction will be provided upon scheduling.
White Blood Cell Scan
White blood cell (WBC) imaging utilizes radioactive labeled leukocytes (white blood cells) for the detection/diagnosis of occult bony infections, inflammatory bowel disease, and fevers of unknown origin. This exam will take majority of the day, but the patient can leave in between the scheduled time points. The patient will arrive in the morning to get blood drawn. The blood will then be picked up and taken to an outside radio-pharmacy where it will be separated into red and white blood cells. The white blood cells will then be tagged with a radiotracer and sent back to the hospital normally around 1 o'clock. The blood will be tagged with a unique identifier through the whole process and will be double checked before re-administered to the patient.
Patients will receive the injection intravenously which will need to circulate for 2-3 hours before imaging. The patient will be given a time to return for imaging. Pictures of the area of interest will then be taken. Depending on the reason for exam pictures can take anywhere from 20-45 minutes. There is no prep for this exam.
V/Q Lung Scan
Ventilation, Perfusion, Pregnant Perfusion, and Quantification
V/Q scanning is an exam that uses both ventilation and perfusion imaging to evaluate pulmonary disorders. Ventilation portion tests the bronchopulmonary distribution, or air flow, to the lungs, while the perfusion portion examines the arterial blood flow to the lungs. During the exam, the patient will breathe a radioactive aerosol through a mask for about 5 minutes. Patient will then lie on an imaging table and pictures of the ventilation distribution will be taken for about 10-15 minutes.
After these images the patient will receive a radioisotope by way of IV injection while lying on the imaging table. Images of arterial blood flow will then follow the injection for another 10-15 minutes. Depending on the reason for exam, the ventilation portion may be eliminated. There is no prep for this exam.
DAT Scan
DaTscan imaging is used to demonstrate the location and concentration of dopamine transporters (DaTs) in the brain. This information will be utilized by your healthcare provider to differentiate between diagnoses of essential tremor vs Parkinsonian syndrome.
For this exam the patient will be advised to bring a small juice or beverage that they like. Patients will be given a mix of this drink with Lugol’s Iodine solution. This is given to prevent the radiotracer from being absorbed by the thyroid gland. About an hour after drinking the Lugol’s solution, the patient will then be injected with the radiotracer. The scan will take place approximately 4 hours after the radiotracer injection. During this time the patient is free to leave the department/hospital and will be given a time to return for the pictures. The pictures will take approximately 45 minutes.
Additional Nuclear Medicine Exams
- Cisternogram and CSF Leak Imaging
- F-18 Fluroestradiol (Cerianna™) PET Scan
- Gallium-67 Citrate Imaging
- Gallium-68 Dotatate (NETSPOT™) PET Scan
- Gallium-68 PSMA-11 (Illuccixᴿ) PET Scan
- GI Bleed Imaging
- I-123 MIBG Imaging
- I-123 Wholebody Imaging
- Iodine-131 Therapy and Ablation
- Lacrimal Duct Imaging (Dacroscintigraphy)
- Liver Hemangioma Imaging
- Liver-Spleen Imaging
- Meckel’s Diverticulum
- MUGA Imaging
- Nuclear Bone Marrow Imaging
- Nuclear Testicular Imaging
- Octreotide / Octreoscan Imaging
- PET/CT Imaging
- Rubidium-82 (Rb-82) Myocardial Perfusion PET/CT Scan (Coming June 2023)
- Salivary Gland Imaging
- Sentinel Node Imaging (Lymphoscintigraphy)
- Shunt Patency Imaging
- Tc99m Pyrophosphate (PYP) Imaging
- Xofigo Therapy
- Yttrium-90 (Y-90) TheraSpheres and SIRSpheres Liver Treatment