Liver Cancer
The Liver Cancer Program is dedicated to comprehensive and customized care for people with liver cancer.
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Liver Cancer Treatment at Garnet Health
The liver is the largest internal organ and one that you cannot live without, as it performs several very important functions that allow your body to function properly, including:
- Your liver is most well known for it's role in breaking down drugs, alcohol, and toxic wastes from your blood and excreting them from your body.
- Your liver also generates most of the clotting factors that keep you from bleeding too much when you are injured.
- Many important nutrients that your body needs for energy or to build or repair body tissues are broken down, or metabolized, and stored in the liver.
- Your liver is in charge of secreting bile into the intestines which help your body to absord nutrients.
The liver is made up many different types of cells that can form several types of malignant (cancerous) and benign (non-cancerous) tumors. These tumors have different causes, are treated differently, and have a different prognosis (outlook).
Cancer that forms in the tissues of the liver is defined as primary liver cancer. Whereas, secondary liver cancer is cancer that spreads to the liver from another part of the body.
Treatment Options
We are committed to providing patients and their families with the highest quality and most comprehensive care available. We employ cutting-edge technologies through every phase of treatment. For liver cancer, our most common treatments and procedures include:
- Chemoembolization - Chemoembolization places chemotherapy into a blood vessel that feeds a cancerous tumor, which then cuts off the tumor's blood supply and traps the chemotherapy within it. This type of cancer treatment is most often used for liver cancer, but may be used in other cases depending on a patient's individualized case. Chemoembolization can be performaned as a standalone treatment or, in some cases, it is used in combination with surgery, radiation therapy or radiofrequency ablation.
- Yttrium 90 (Y-90) - With this procedure microscopic beads of radioactive isotope are injected into hepatic artery to treat tumors in the liver. The procedure is performed in the Interventional Radiology suit with both an Interventional Radiologist and a Radiation Oncologist calculating and delivering the dose. This allows livers to receive a pinpoint dose, shrinking them and preserving healthy tissue.
- Selective Internal Radiation Therapy - Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) is a form of radiation therapy most often used to treat liver cancers that cannot be removed through surgery. It is an image-guided treatment used to target malignant tumors in the liver directly via it’s blood supply using particles coated with radiation, called microspheres. These microspheres reduce the blood supply to the liver tumor, destroying tumour cells and preventing the tumour from getting the nutrients it needs to grow.
- Transarterial Chemo Embolization - Minimally invasive, image-guided treatment for liver cancer, Transarterial Chemo Embolization (TACE) is performed by a specially trained radiologist. This therapy involves the administration of chemotherapy directly to the liver tumor, which allows the tumor to be targeted without having to administer treatment to the whole body. Following the chemotherapy, the blood supply to the tumor is blocked (embolized), therefore the tumor is treated using two techniques. TACE can be performed multiple times to achieve the desired response in the tumor.
Liver Cancer Support and Resources
Liver Cancer Support and Resources
- American Liver Foundation - Promoting education, advocacy, support services and research for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease.
- Blue Faery - The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association - The first online patient forum specifically for HCC patients and caregivers.
- Liver Central - Information, resources, and data to help you understand liver cancer diagnosis, treatment options, managing the disease and living with liver cancer.
- One Liver to Love - Information, resources, and a sense of community for anyone impacted by liver cancer, including tips and links to advocacy groups and other organizations to help guide you.
- International Liver Cancer Association - the only international organization devoted exclusively to liver cancer research for experts from all related disciplines.
- Hepatitis B Foundation - Liver Cancer Connection Program - Information on what Liver Cancer is, and Types of Primary Liver Cancer.
- Global Liver Institute - promoting innovation, encouraging collaboration, and scaling optimal approaches to help eradicate liver diseases.
- American Cancer Society - The American Cancer Society offers programs and services to help you during and after cancer treatment.
- CancerCare - free, professional support services for people affected by liver cancer, as well as liver cancer treatment information and additional resources.
- Cancer Support Community (Formerly Gilda's Club) - providing support, fostering compassionate communities, and breaking down barriers to care.
Financial Assistance
- PAN Foundation - provides financial assistance for those with Liver Cancer (based on available funding year to year). Please see Eligibility Criteria.
General Cancer Resources
- Cancer Resource Center of the Hudson Valley - advocacy and support for the Hudson Valley community of people living with and affected by cancer
- TriageCancer - extensive free resources for individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and health care professionals, on the legal and practical issues that may arise after a diagnosis.
- Stupid Cancer - provides information on mental health support, building a family, health and wellness, sex and relationships, caregiving, college and career, insurance and finances, health equity, COVID-19, and more.
General Support Groups
- St. Luke's Montefiore Cornwall Hospital - Oncology Support Groups
- Dyson Cancer for Cancer Care Cancer Support Groups - (845) 483-6001; TTY (800) 421-1220
- Herbert H. and Sofia P. Reuner Cancer Support House - Oncology Support Program: (845) 339-2071
One-to-One Telephone/On-line Support
- Friends for Life Cancer Support Network - Volunteers at this organization are cancer survivors and caregivers who are trained by healthcare professionals to provide one-on-one emotional and psychological support to those who received a cancer diagnosis: 866-374-3634
- Imerman Angels - This organization offers a free service that matches a person with cancer with someone who has completed treatment for the same type of cancer: 877-274-5529
- 4th Angel Mentoring Program - Free, one-on-one, confidential telephone support for people with cancer and their caregivers: 866-520-3197
Cancer Treatment Services
Our goal is to not only provide excellent clinical care, but to provide support for the whole person—we are here to help in the journey from cancer patient to cancer survivor.
Learn morePatient Information & Resources
We provide a variety of patient resources online regarding your patient rights, billing, so you can get a jump start on your stay or appointment.
View ResourcesEducation & Support
From cancer support groups and screenings to our clinical trials program, we provide comprehensive cancer care. If you or a loved one has cancer, count on Garnet Health's experienced physicians, compassionate staff and live-saving technologies to fight the battle, together with you.