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Substance Abuse Treatment

Garnet Health Medical Center's substance abuse treatment services are located at 75 Crystal Run Road, Suite 135 in Middletown, NY. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call: 845-333-7818

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Alcohol & Chemical Dependency Treatment 

Alcoholism and chemical dependency are chronic and progressive illnesses that affect people of all ages physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.

The Garnet Health Medical Center Substance Abuse Treatment Program for Alcoholism & Chemical Dependency, our multidisciplinary team brings years of experience, coupled with a deep sense of compassion and commitment. We deliver care to individuals and families suffering from alcohol and substance abuse.

Our clinical staff includes:

  • Licensed Clinical Social Workers
  • Credentialed Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counselors
  • Licensed Mental Health Counselors

Services include:

  • Substance Abuse Assessment and Treatment Recommendation
  • Individual Counseling
  • Group Therapy
  • Intensive Outpatient Services
  • Case Management
  • Individualize Treatment Development and Planning
  • Impaired drivers evaluations (DUI)

Together, our staff can assist with restoring health and dignity to individuals and families suffering from alcoholism and substance abuse. Our team also has long-standing professional relationships with other community providers, allowing us to easily facilitate referrals as needed.

Our Substance Abuse Treatment Program is licensed by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS).


Our Philosophy

We guided thousands of patients and their families in successfully overcoming alcohol and chemical dependency, which has helped to positively restore quality of life and family relationships. Our goal is to provide exceptional healthcare in a compassionate environment, while promoting the comfort, privacy and dignity of each individual.

Our Programs & Services 

The Family Program for Alcoholism & Chemical Dependency offers day and evening comprehensive services and treatment programs designed to meet the special needs of patients and their families.

  • Comprehensive Alcohol/Substance Abuse Evaluations - We accept evaluation referrals from the court system, probation and parole, employers, Partners in Safety, Vocational & Educational Services through Access-VR, physicians, schools, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, self-referred and family members.
  • Co-Ed Adult Intensive Outpatient Treatment - Group counseling and education for men and women who are struggling with alcohol and/or substance abuse. These groups meet three times per week.
  • Men’s Adult Relapse Prevention Treatment - Group counseling for men who require a less intensive level of treatment, the focus is on practicing coping skills such as anger management, coping with relapse triggers, creating a personal relapse prevention plan, obtaining a sober network of peers for support, and discussion of gender-specific issues. This group meets once per week.
  • Education Group for DWI, DUI & DMV Referrals - Group education and discussion for men and women. Patients will learn about alcohol and substance use/misuse including the impact on self and family. This group meets once per week.
  • Co-occurring Disorders Treatment - Group counseling for men and women coping with substance abuse and mental health issues. This group meets one time per week.
  • Co-Ed Health & Wellness Relapse Prevention - Group counseling for men and women who require a less intensive level of treatment. Patients will learn recovery strategies and skills geared towards maintaining optimal physical, emotional and spiritual health. This group meets once per week.
  • Co-Ed Adult Relapse Prevention Treatment - Group counseling for men and women who require a less intensive level of treatment. Patients will gain relapse prevention skills to enhance recovery efforts to become sober. These groups meet one to two times per week.
  • Individual Counseling - One on one meeting with a case manager to monitor patient progress and create person-centered treatment goals and discharge planning.
  • Women’s Adult Relapse Prevention Treatment - Group counseling for women who require a less intensive level of treatment, the focus is on coping with relapse triggers, emotional regulation, creating a personal relapse prevention plan, obtaining a sober network of peers for support and discussion of gender-specific issues. This group meets once per week.
  • Medication Assisted Treatment - For some, the use of Medication Assisted Treatment provided by our Addiction Psychiatrist, in addition to counseling which can be an effective treatment approach.  There are FDA approved medications that treat substance use disorders.