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Financial Assistance

If you have questions, please contact our Billing Department at: 845-333-2455 or our Financial Advocate Office at: 845-333-1888.

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

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Financial Assistance Options

At Garnet Health, our goal is to provide quality care and services to our patients. We seek to provide healthcare to everyone regardless of ability to pay. That is why we provide patients with the opportunity to quality for our Financial Aid Program whether you are uninsured or underinsured.

  • We provide a Self Pay Discount for uninsured patients. We automatically reduce charges for all uninsured patients for medically necessary services.
  • Garnet Health will not charge patients eligible for its Charity Care program more than amounts generally billed (AGB), to individuals who have insurance for emergency or other medically necessary care. For all other care, an eligible individual may not be charged more than Hospital’s gross charges. The Hospital calculates the AGB using the lookback method, and bases that rate on Traditional Medicare fee-for-service and all private health insurers paying claims to the hospitals.
  • We apply patients for Medicaid, if qualified, based on Department of Social Services guidelines.
  • Our Financial Aid Program, based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines, is available to all patients that qualify. Patients with income up to 350 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines can be eligible to receive assistance with their bill based on our fee schedule.
  • Patients who cannot pay their entire bill immediately can request a monthly payment arrangement.