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Garnet Health, which includes Garnet Health Medical Center, Garnet Health Medical Center – Catskills, Garnet Health Doctors, Garnet Health Urgent Care, Garnet Health Foundation and Garnet Health Foundation – Catskills, recently announced the promotion of the following individuals.

Moira Mencher has been promoted to director of planning and community relations. Mencher will oversee all certificate of need preparation, strategic planning, data collection and analysis, special projects, government relations and regulatory compliance. She will continue to grow Garnet Health’s community health program and drive health equity and physician relations. Mencher joined Garnet Health in 2019 as a physician liaison and shortly thereafter began to lead, grow and expand Garnet Health’s community presence. 

Cari McGinnis has been promoted to IT manager, Revenue Cycle and Health Information Management (HIM). McGinnis has been with the organization 24 years, most recently as a financial analyst in IT. Prior to that, she was an IT liaison to patient accounting at Arden Hill Hospital. In her new role, McGinnis will oversee both the IT revenue cycle and HIM analysts for Garnet Health.

Shawn Springer has been promoted to administrator of technical services. Springer has been with the organization for eight years. He started as a senior network engineer before taking the position of director of technical services. In his new role, Springer has systemwide oversight of the IT network, security, help desk and infrastructure teams, as well as the telecommunications department.
For more information about career opportunities at Garnet Health, visit careers.garnethealth.org

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