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Thanksgiving Day… a time for family, fun and of course, food.

If you are on any kind of weight loss journey, you need to be prepared to the holiday grub. These are some helpful tips that we share with our Bariatric patients that can help you navigate the upcoming Turkey day.

Stay consistent

Don’t skip breakfast or other meals and snacks prior to Thanksgiving meal. Plan your day accordingly, but try to have your morning breakfast and afternoon lunch if the Thanksgiving meal will be closer to dinner time.

Come prepared

Bring along a healthy and delicious protein or vegetable dish so you know there will certainly be something you will enjoy.

Stick to the plan (and a small plate)

Family or friends may tempt you to try something, even for just a taste. Stick to your plan of protein and mostly vegetables. If you are currently maintaining your weight loss, you may also include starches, but only after you have consumed your protein and vegetables. Serve yourself on the smaller salad plate versus the larger dinner plate.

Listen to your hunger and fullness cues

Before you begin your Thanksgiving meal, be sure to think about your hunger level. If you are not feeling so hungry, but it is time for a meal than at least have some of your protein.

However, if you are feeling hungry, then begin your meal and after your protein ask yourself, “Am I still Hungry?”

If you still are, then continue with your vegetables. Of course, taking small bites and chewing well. Stop at the first sign of fullness, which is often the time we realize we are no longer hungry rather than the stuffed feeling.

The focus is not the food, it’s family!

This festive time of year is a chance to connect with family and friends.  Concentrate on catching up with your loved ones and fill your plate with delicious and healthy foods!  Ask a family member or two to join you for a walk after dinner to avoid the temptation of dessert.  Or you could, bring a healthy dessert option like fresh fruit and enjoy some if you are still hungry.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy, healthy and delicious Thanksgiving.

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