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Science and technology have come a long way when it comes to the treatment and care of patients with heart disease. Yet, despite all of the advancements in modern medicine, heart disease still remains the number-one killer in the U.S. for both men and women.

Why? Simply stated, patients do not have a simple way to discover or monitor the disease themselves. There is no recommended self-check for heart disease like there is for breast cancer. Nor is it something that you can actually see transform in front of your eyes like an irregular mole. A visit to the doctor has always been – and still is -- necessary if someone wanted to have their heart health checked. But, in today’s busy world, many “de-prioritize” it.

Garnet Health is always looking out for the residents of Sullivan and Orange counties. From diagnoses to treatment, the expert providers and Cardiovascular Services team at Garnet Health are here to help as you embark on your heart-health journey. 

One of the ways Garnet Health is helping people check their heart health is with an online heart health risk-assessment tool. It’s a free and easy-to-use questionnaire developed by medical experts that can get you started on the right foot toward good heart health. It only takes a few minutes to complete and allows you to learn about your heart health risk, and discover if your heart’s “age” is higher or lower than your actual age. 

After completing the online assessment, you'll receive a personalized report outlining important information about your heart health, including your 10- and 30-year risk of cardiovascular disease and your cardiovascular disease risk factors.

Avoiding risk factors and maintaining good blood pressure and cholesterol are key to a healthy heart

That means, get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked regularly, and get screened for diabetes. These three things in particular make up the equation for increased risk of heart disease, including coronary disease, a build-up of plaque in the arteries of your heart. 
If you aren’t maintaining a healthy lifestyle then making positive changes is important – even at a young age. These include: eating healthy, quitting smoking, exercising and taking action at the first sign of distress.

  • A healthy diet -- and one that is individualized for your specific needs – is very important for your heart’s health. If you’re diabetic you will need to cut back on sugar by avoiding excess carbs like breads, rice, and pasta. If it’s determined that your cholesterol is too high, cut back on high saturated fats. For those with high blood pressure, lowering sodium is a key dietary change for you. 
  • The importance of quitting smoking cannot be stressed enough. It may not be easy to do, but quitting is paramount to keeping your heart healthy. Talk to your primary care doctor to see if assistive prescription medications may be right for you. Nicotine patches or gum can be helpful, as can oral medication. Garnet Health also offers smoking cessation programs to help you stop smoking. Visit www.garnethealth.org/events  to sign up. 
  • Don’t wait to establish a relationship with a cardiologist. Be pro-active and start when you are healthy. And, if you are experiencing symptoms, get help immediately. Keep in mind that symptoms of heart-related issues are not always specific. At Garnet Health we frequently see patients in the emergency department after they already had an issue and have reached an emergency state.

Accessible care to get you on the journey to heart health

The Peter Frommer, MD, Heart Center at Garnet Health Medical Center, has been recognized for outstanding cardiac care, from emergency care and diagnostics to treatment and rehabilitation. It is our goal to provide the best and most accessible cardiac care in the Hudson Valley. 

Garnet Health continues to grow. We are expanding our Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at Garnet Health Medical Center – Catskills. This clinically supervised program is designed to improve a patient’s overall cardiovascular health after a serious cardiac episode. Patients receive comprehensive, personalized care to help them recover, regain strength and mobility, reduce risk factors for future heart problems and ultimately restore their quality of life. 

Proceeds raised from Garnet Health Foundation – Catskills’ 43rd annual Golf Classic, which will take place July 13, at the Villa Roma Resort in Callicoon, will benefit the expansion of the cardiac rehabilitation program at the Harris Campus of Garnet Health Medical Center – Catskills. The Cardiac Rehab team will use the funds from this year’s tournament to purchase state-of-the-art exercise equipment to support patients on their road to recovery. 

End heart disease before it even begins. Take advantage of the online heart health risk-assessment tool. It’s a great first step in your heart health journey. Then make an appointment with one of our cardiologists at 845-333-8909, because the best way to navigate this course is together.

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