Garnet Health Medical Center Offers American Lung Association's Freedom from Smoking Workshop
January 13, 2023Categories: Press Releases, News & Media
Tags: Press Releases, News & Media
The American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking Workshop is a smoking cessation program designed to help participants overcome tobacco addiction so they can enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Garnet Health will host a 7-week, 8-session virtual Freedom from Smoking Workshop from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday’s beginning, January 24, 2023 located at our Community Health Offices at 420 East Main Street Middletown, NY 10940
Are you ready to take the leap and quit smoking? If so, attend The American Lung Association Freedom from Smoking Workshop! This hybrid 7 week workshop will help you learn how to overcome your tobacco addiction so you can enjoy the benefits of better health, extra money in your pocket, and healthier relationships. Ongoing support and counseling are vital if participants are going to be successful in maintaining their freedom from smoking. This class is open to all community members looking to make the change and quit smoking. It is also open to those that have already taken the course but could use a refresher.
By participating in this workshop you’ll learn about:
- Medicines that can help you stop smoking
- Lifestyle changes that make quitting easier
- Preparing for your Quit Day
- Managing stress
- Avoiding weight gain
- Developing a new self-image
- How to stay smoke-free for good
The cost to participate in this course is $25. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Register online today!