Compliance Policy
Contact Information: Corporate Compliance Office Garnet Health Medical Center – Catskills: 845-397-3516 Garnet Health Medical Center: 845-333-7188
Compliance at Garnet Health
Garnet Health is committed to providing the highest quality health care services in a lawful and ethical manner. Our commitment helps to maintain the trust and respect of our patients and the communities we serve. As such, we have developed a comprehensive Corporate Compliance Program, which includes a Corporate Code of Conduct, to ensure that all activities are conducted ethically and in full compliance with all laws and regulations.
Garnet Health takes it's Corporate Compliance Program seriously and has taken steps to prevent, detect, and correct legal and regulatory violations throughout the organization. To be successful, the program requires the collective participation of all individuals and a "compliance culture" within the organization.
The Goals of Our Corporate Compliance Program:
- Demonstrate our commitment to conducting business in an ethical manner.
- Serve as a resource when dealing with difficult, complex or confusing issues.
- Provide an outlet for addressing concerns.
- Ensure we follow Local, State and Federal laws that apply.
Our Compliance Program Serves:
- Provide both patients and employees with central resource for addressing compliance issues.
- Provide employees with information and policies for successful job performance.
- Encourage reporting concerns and resolving issues.
- Minimize the risk of fraud and abuse.
- Provide constant monitoring.
- Protect our ethical reputation in the community and ensure our continued success.
How to Report An Issue
If you would like to report an issue that looks to be unethical or illegal, please contact:
Corporate Compliance Office
Phone: Garnet Health Medical Center - 845-333-7188 or
Garnet Health Medical Center - Catskills - 845-333-8911
All reports and issues will be investigated and held in the strictest of confidence, consistent with the need to investigate any allegations of wrongdoing.
Learn More About Our Policies
Our corporate compliance program and policies include the following key privacy policies, reference tools, and compliance plans:
HIPAA Privacy Notice
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Social Media Policy
We have opened publicly facing pages on social media sites, blogs and media sites for viewing content and/or videos and posting comments about Garnet Health Medical Center.
Other documents outlining our compliance policies and procedures, include:
- Code of Ethical Conduct
- Garnet Health HIPAA Privacy and Security Reference Tool
- Garnet Health Notice of Privacy Practices
- Aviso de Politica de Prácticas de Privacidad Según la ley HIPAA - Español
Retaliation in any form against an individual who in good faith reports possible unethical or illegal conduct is strictly prohibited and is itself a violation of the Hospital's Code of Conduct.